What will our legal services cost?
Fixed fees and transparent pricing
We confirm that our firm operates on a fixed fee basis, as opposed to an hourly rate. Each and every property transaction is different due to a combination of your circumstances, the property itself (including the purchase price), its location and legal status. We will provide you specific indication of our legal fees and likely disbursements when discussing your potential transaction with you. Being transparent in respect of our fees and in order to help you assess the likely cost and budget, we offer a range of costing examples, providing a breakdown of our fixed fees and current variable costs, based on requirement and property price.
Review our costing examples for:
What is included in our fees and what is not
The fees we quote will cover all our legal work in connection with your transaction, including everything requested in relation to any mortgage that is involved.
We do not charge any additional fees for the following:
- Mortgage administration
- Redeeming your mortgage
- A contemporaneous mortgage in relation to your purchase
- Arranging title indemnity insurance
- Storing your file after completion
- A property that will involve first registration at the Land Registry
- A Right to Buy property
- A property that has been re-possessed
- A property purchased at auction
If a transaction does proceed to completion you will be charged the fees and disbursements we quote. If a transaction does not complete, then you will be charged a fair proportion of the quoted fees (plus VAT) and you will be liable to pay any disbursements/expenses that may have already been incurred. If you ask us to do legal work that exceeds, or is in addition to, the work we have quoted for, we may have to charge an additional fee. We will always discuss this with you in advance, however, this is unlikely to happen.
We do not offer sample budgets for buy-to-let or auction transactions but base our bespoke fees on detailed discussions with you. Talk to us today about what you looking for.
If you wish us to act for you in any residential property transaction please contact us so that we can give you a bespoke fixed fee quotation.